I woke up this morning with a heaviness of heart. I thought about my ladies
from the center. I thought about the faceless people who I have yet to meet that are at home praying to God for that one door of opportunity to open for them. I
thought about the many people who have been told "no"; not because
they weren't qualified but because they didn't "classify" as being a
part of the "in crowd". I thought about all the people who have yet
to discover the world of hope, happiness and salvation. I thought about the
people who have given up on God because of the poor christian examples placed
before them.At first I got mad and then I thought
"Thank you Lord because it could
have been me and my family."

God has given Travis and I a wonderful
ministry and loving family. He has planted seeds for our future business
endeavors. We are excited about them all...but still...We know how it feels to
fight to keep our vision and dreams alive. We were blessed to be raised by
parents who taught us in firm love
"You'd better not give up. Satan is
going to throw obstacles, stones, bricks and whatever else at you. Don't even
duck. You just stand and let God do the rest." We inherited a faith filled foundation from our parents. Because we know
that not everyone was blessed to be raised by parents of faith like ours, we've
made it our mission to spread hope to the hopeless.
It's been two years since we've moved to the Albany area. You can't help but
notice those in authority who have the capability to empower families
in our community but chose not to. You hear these people talk about the
problems but not once suggest or even try to implement a solution.
(If it ain't you say "Amen", if it is say "Oh me" Repent and Strive to Do Better)
There are a
lot of organizations working tirelessly in the background to help reunite,
educate and employ families. These are usually the ones who are working towards
a mission not a motive. My husband met earlier this year with a "city
leader" to discuss starting a program that will help young men get out of
the system and back to work. This city official's response?
"Man, if I do
that, I'll lose $5000 a month." Message sent and received.
It's more profitable to keep our
young men in the system than out. The "city official" did apologize
for blurting out his initial response and said that he would meet with my husband and
further discuss. That was nearly six months ago. No meeting followed.
Why am I writing about all of this you ask? Because I woke up mad but
motivated. God gave me the gift of pen and on many levels I haven't used to
my fullest capabilities. I
(Bridgett) don't have a pulpit
(don't need one
either) but I do have a pen and a keyboard.... I plan to use them both like
never before. Timeout for sitting quietly. It's time to be a voice for people
who have yet to discover their own. Travis and I have faced many obstacles
since we started evangelizing through GO Ministries. We were told that our
ministry had no meaning. But 18 productions and 2000 plus souls later, we
beg to differ. We couldn't get the financial support needed to operate the FEP's job training program so now I'm operating it from home. Yet, God is still affording us the opportunity to help people with their career and education goals. We refuse to live in a shallow mindset of
"Well my family
is healthy and happy so why should I worry? "We choose to be an example of
perseverance to anyone who has a call (whether in ministry or business). So please don't give up. Pray and get creative!

Albany, Georgia is the 4th poorest city in the nation and that's a shame.
The Good Life City? I respectfully ask. For who? Maybe a one time...but you
know what? We have just enough faith in God to believe that it can be again. To
every organization who's SINCERELY working to help restore life in this city,
we stand by you in prayer and helps. We plan on establishing our family roots here. We don't mind the hardwork this will entail. But first, the clichés, greed and hidden
agendas have got to go.
Our young people are growing up and moving away. Whenever we ask them why they choose to leave Albany, they all
say the same thing.
"There is no opportunity here. Besides, it's not about what you
know. It's who you know."
This email is for the person who is struggling with whether or not they
should call it quits. God said "DON'T". Never let the
"smile in
your face but knife in your back scaled eyed naysayers" cloud your dreams.
God gave them to you for a reason and the last time I checked, he hasn't nor
plans on retiring. Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense
of reward. For ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of
God, ye might receive the promise." Hebrew 10:35-36

It's okay to get angry...the bible says to be ye angry but don't sin....jump in and Do Something..