Thursday, August 18, 2011

Zachery Tims

I'll admit. I don't watch many televangelists. It seems for most of them, ministry has become more about fame than FAITH. Let's watch....One TV Pastor says he doesn't preach about hell because it's too controversial~SWITCH THE CHANNEL~ another says everyone is going to heaven~ SWITCH THE CHANNEL~ One TV show says tells competing gospel artists "You sound good but you just don't have the look “~SWITCH THE CHANNEL~And another TV Pastor has starting producing "christian" movies that include profanity and drinking with an all-star cast of unsaved, unmarried actors who are allowed to kiss and fondle each other....~SWITCH THE CHANNEL.

Call me religious or holier than thou all you want but I can back my convictions up with scripture.

I didn't follow Pastor Zachery Tims much. As a matter of fact, I didn't know about his divorce until I heard about his passing. From what I heard, at one point, he had a thriving ministry. There is speculation about his death and for the sake of his soul, his family and his church; I pray that they are not true. However, there was a comment made by one of his followers that disturbed me. The person said during an interview that even if the autopsy results came back with positive results for drugs, they felt like the good he did in life outweighed the bad. That's true to some extent. It's always better to focus on the good in life but when it comes to a person's soul...good doesn't get you into heaven. Side Note: I don't have a heaven or a hell to put this man in. My prayer is that he made it in. I definitely would not disrespect his memory or his family. I just lost a sister and I know how I would feel if someone spoke negatively about her. However, this person's comment is a mindset that Christians cannot adopt.

We never know when God will grace the skies. As Christians, it is vital that we live every second as if it is our last. One thousand years of doing "good" cannot justify one second in sin. My Pastor developed an acronym for sin. He calls it Self Inflicted Nonsense. I don't live a life of sin but on the other hand, I'm far from perfect. It's frightens me to know that I can live a life sold out for Christ and the moment, I decide live or act in the flesh, God can come and my soul will be lost. That's why I have diagnosed myself with R.O.C.D....Repentance Obsessive Compulsive Dedication. I continuously pray, repent and ask God to give me wisdom.

The Bible says in Proverbs 10:12, love covers a multitude of sin. Some people misinterpret this scripture. This doesn't mean that we are to hide a person's actions while they are in sin but we are to help them to heal and become delivered from sin. I respect leaders in their positions and I know that everything should be done in decency and in order. However, no matter the title, if a person is found to be living in contrast of God's word, we as Christians...their brothers and sisters in Christ...are obligated to pray to God for guidance and then address the issue according to his command. It is not about exposing but expelling that sinful nature. Our love for God and each other should prompt us to do whatever it takes to keep that soul from eternal damnation. I feel sorry for anyone who know about a person's struggles and problems but do nothing to help them overcome it. The last thing I want is the blood of a lost soul on my hands.

No one should judge Pastor Tims fate. Only God knows. Right now he has children, family and a church that is hurting not only because of their loss but because they don't know what happened. I know how that lose someone suddenly and not have a clue as to what happened. The autopsy says my sister died of "undetermined natural causes". The unknown is a horrible feeling and it only lengthens the grieving process. Whatever the outcome, pray that God will intervene, strengthen and make whatever might have been wrong....right.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Frozen Smiles

Anger resteth in the bosom of fools (Eccl. 7:9)…WOW.

For the wrath of a man worketh not the righteousness of God….Left Right…Uppercut to the jaw…James 1:20.

Please excuse me while I preach to myself. The word of God is truly sharper than any two-edged sword and right now its cutting me left and right. You see a few months ago, my family was made aware of some news that revealed an ultimate betrayal. The kind of “If I weren’t saved, I would be “catching a case” news.

So for the past few weeks, I found myself once again on an emotional roller coaster. Struggling to love and not hate. I’ve never had to battle feelings of hate before. No seriously…I’d be lying if I said that my mind hasn’t been to some really dark places. Shocked???? Are you asking “How can this so-called woman of God be feeling this way?” I know right….but I feel safe in writing that even if you don’t want to admit it, some of you have battled these emotions before. I’ll be honest. I wish I could write about it. I wish I could expose this to whole world but my purpose would only to be to hurt those who have hurt me and my family. So I won’t. Besides, God won’t let me. Instead, I am using this test as a testimony because in spite of the hurt that I feel….I choose to love.

I can now see how a person could go postal if they don’t have God by their side. Your emotions can fuel some of the worst decisions if not guided by God. You’ve heard the term, crime of passion and I’m not focusing on murder (I’m not morbid). Truth is…Hurt people hurt people. Bottom line. There is always a reason for every action. The trick is finding out what that reason is. Sometimes it goes all the way back to a person’s childhood. And that’s what I am trying to do. I’m trying not to look at the person(s) but the spirit behind it. But it’s so hard when it seems like they know they are hurting you and they could care less.

I had someone to tell me the other day that I seemed to have it all together. To which I responded, “It ain’t nobody but God that’s holding me together.” There are so many people walking around with frozen smiles and hidden hurts. They are on the brink of the ultimate breakdown. I’ve always been able to discern another person’s pain but now my God-given senses are more keener because I sit in a new seat. In the past twelve months, my family has lost 11 loved ones. Triple that if you count the relationships that have been severed. I’ve really had to bury myself in God’s word and doing kingdom work to keep my sanity. God has helped my family and friends to be a strong fence around each other. When one of us got loose and weak, he sent the master carpenter to come and mend our weak places and help us to stand.

I encourage you all not to be shallow Christians. Take the time and pay attention to those around you. Ask God to show you the difference between the frozen smiles and the sincere ones. Every time I hear about killing sprees and senseless acts of violence, I wonder about the person who committed them. I wonder about the children of God who had access to them. I wonder if they took the time to recognize their frozen smiles. Look past the man and focus on their  pain. It will soften your heart. That’s my challenge and I aim to accomplish it.

From My Heart to Yours

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