Your today was my yesterday so I stand as a living witness that God, through time, will heal all wounds. A word of encouragement for those of you who are dealing with grief during this Holiday Season. Please forward and share with anyone who could use a word of encouragement.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
The Christmas Tree
Have you ever taken the
time to REALLY look at your Christmas tree? You'd be amazed at the amount of history
you’d find if you would take the time, sit and listen to the story your
Christmas tree has to tell. Last week, a family friend, dropped by and
immediately begin to compliment me on how beautiful our Christmas tree was. In
my eyes our tree was pretty but there was much more room for improvement. My
goals were to buy plusher garland and bigger ornaments with more bedazzle and
shine. It wasn't until this visit that I was able to truly see the beauty in
our tree, not because of the ornaments but because of the story it had to tell.
When Travis and I were first married, somebody gave us a puny “hand me down” tree with a missing leg stand. We had to balance it with an old encyclopedia. We didn't have much money, so for the first few years the only decorations we had were gold garland and a few red and gold ornaments. We decided to add a new ornament each Christmas year and it sort of became a tradition.
Now, here we are 19 years later and our tree has turned into our own
little time capsule. We have personalized ornaments from our first few years of
marriage, ornaments from each our children's first Christmas', ornaments we
received as gifts from our jobs, new ornaments purchased from "After the
Holidays" sales and of course ornaments lovingly made by our children
each school year. Some have pictures and some are hand written. It's amazing
because each ornament takes us back to the Christmas' before and is a reminder
of God's blessings over the years. Christmas trees have no bearing on the true
reason for the season but our tree has become a symbolic reminder of the
blessings of God.
The amount of money in each of our bank accounts will be the determining factor in how most of us will shop for gifts this year. There are those of you who are already feeling discouraged about your inability to "buy the best" for your family and friends. I encourage you... before you allow this to bring you down, take the time to look at your Christmas tree. Look at the little handprints and glittered snowmen and be thankful for your children and grandchildren. Enjoy the lights and thank God for warmth and electricity. If you don't have a Christmas tree, inhale the aroma of cakes, pies, and stuffing and then send praises for having food to eat and if that is not enough, look in the mirror and thank God for life, health and strength.
When Travis and I were first married, somebody gave us a puny “hand me down” tree with a missing leg stand. We had to balance it with an old encyclopedia. We didn't have much money, so for the first few years the only decorations we had were gold garland and a few red and gold ornaments. We decided to add a new ornament each Christmas year and it sort of became a tradition.
The amount of money in each of our bank accounts will be the determining factor in how most of us will shop for gifts this year. There are those of you who are already feeling discouraged about your inability to "buy the best" for your family and friends. I encourage you... before you allow this to bring you down, take the time to look at your Christmas tree. Look at the little handprints and glittered snowmen and be thankful for your children and grandchildren. Enjoy the lights and thank God for warmth and electricity. If you don't have a Christmas tree, inhale the aroma of cakes, pies, and stuffing and then send praises for having food to eat and if that is not enough, look in the mirror and thank God for life, health and strength.
Christmas has never been about santa suits, presents or ugly Christmas sweater parties because Jesus is the Reason for the Season. If it had not been for his birth, we would not have a chance at the ultimate gift of eternal life. Jesus is the only tree of life that shines so brightly and without the adornment of holiday lights and decorations. Jesus is my Christmas Tree!!! Whether it's in your home and/or in your hearts, I encourage you to take a moment and really look at your Christmas tree. It's a wonderful way to count your blessings.
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
What Does Your Profile Pic Say About Your Business?
What does your profile picture say about you and your business? We've been told for years we should never judge a book by it's cover but that's only true to a certain degree. The reality is, unattractive book covers result in "low to no"book sales. Presentation is the key! You only have one chance to make a first impression so why not make it a memorable one?
I love what I do and through God, I know I'm good at it; but one of my biggest mistakes was failing to professionally brand my image. I couldn't only talk the part, I had to look the part as well. How I presented myself as a business owner said a lot about the quality of my work.
People often become intimidated when the topic of marketing and image branding arises but it's not as complicated as one may think.
When it comes to your professional image, marketing your brand can begin with the simple step of taking Professional Head Shots for your website and social media profiles.
Your professional business photo will reinforce your image and help potential clients identify with your brand. It also helps in establishing trust and it gives potential clients a virtual introduction to the character of your business.
So, I'll ask the question again. What does your profile picture say about your business? Do you need an upgrade?
I am pleased to announce BMackWrites can help. I am expanding my business services to include Professional Business Photography which will include profile Head Shots and Product Photographs. I am currently offering an introductory special so call and schedule your appointment today!
Make the investment. Your profits will thank you!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Reasons Why I Won't Accept Your Facebook Friend Request
First and Most Obvious.....
I understand Facebook can be a great place to network and meet new people but I'm a married woman who's very protective of her kids...unless your request is business or ministry related...I'm really not interested.
I understand Facebook can be a great place to network and meet new people but I'm a married woman who's very protective of her kids...unless your request is business or ministry related...I'm really not interested.
Now if I already don't know you and now I can't see you, how I am supposed to know if you've ever appeared on America's Most Wanted or Cops? How am I supposed to know if you are REALLY YOU?!?! If I can't see you I can't accept you.
Sooooo....I don't know have no profile pic and no Mutual friends. Now who am I suppose to call to investigate you?
Okay so you DO have a profile pic and mutual friends but when I click on your Facebook wall, its loaded with porn, profanity and spam. You must be crazy. What kind of person do you take me for? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Just because my Facebook friends accepted you doesn't mean I have to. My standards are different and I value my privacy.
So you've chosen not to use your birth name. And since I already don't know you who you are, you've just put me in the position of having to make a judgment call based on your profile name. Let's see....RoAdDawg HititandQuitit Jones....DELETE Request.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
How to Make Buttermilk Fried Chicken
I almost never fry chicken but I decided to treat my family while trying a new recipe. Click below to watch my cooking tutorial on how to make Buttermilk Fried Chicken. I think this is one of my quickest cooking tutorials because it's just that easy! It's as simple as ONE, TWO, THREE....ok!
4. FRY
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
$20 Bedroom Wall Makeover
Check out my quick and simple $20 Bedroom Wall Makeover. It's amazing how you can do so much with so little! Be sure to watch my Youtube tutorial below.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Kitchen Makeover Part III
Check out Part III of our Kitchen Remodel. We will take a break and save up for the next phase which will include installing backsplash, changing the cabinet knobs and adding more lighting.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Kitchen Makeover Part II
Here is the reveal from our granite installation and in this video blog we begin painting. We had a couple of uh ohs so please learn from our mistakes..Check out the video and let me know what you think! Part III coming up soon!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Kitchen Makeover Part One
I love blogging and creating how to videos because I love inspiring others. You don't have to have a lot of money in the bank to accomplish your dreams...All you have to have is faith, determination and a keen eye for finding great deals.I am so excited to be producing my mini vlog series on our Home Project Kitchen Makeover. Please enjoy part one and I encourage you to join me on this journey as I also share our bargain finds and product reviews..
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
My Consumer Review on the Samsung Washer and Dryer
Hi Everyone! Check out my Consumer Review on the Samsung Washer and Dryer Set. If you are thinking about buying a new set, YOU MUST WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE!
My consumer review in the Samsung Washer. YOU MUST WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE!!!!
Posted by BMackWrites on Monday, September 28, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
Where Did All This Weight Gain Come From?
It's a an eye opening experience to look in the mirror years after your initial weight loss success and you feel find yourself asking "Where did all this weight gain come from?"
I was so proud of myself by the end of year 2007. I had finally met my weight loss goal of 30lbs and I felt great!!! I loved the way my clothes fit me. My self esteem was at an all time high and my energy level was through the roof. I made up in my mind I would never be heavy again. But here I am, eight years and nearly forty pounds in weight gain later. "So what happened?" You asked.
Honey, life happened...
In 2008, I started having trouble with fibroids and had no choice but to subdue to a partial hysterectomy. Not only was I nervous about the changes this surgery could cause to my body but I was worried about the possible weight gain as well. Nonetheless, the surgery was inevitable so I made up in my mind that I would keep eating right and exercising. No way was I going to allow all of my hard work go down the toilet!
By year 2010, I was doing pretty good with fighting the battle of the bulge. While I had suffered 15lbs of weight gain, my energy was still on high and I continued a healthy diet and exercise plan. Still I was determined to lose those pesky pounds. I would not be defeated!!!
And then February 2011 came and my world crashed when my youngest sister died suddenly. I don't think I ate one solid meal that first week after she passed. I lost five pounds in just four days...It took weeks for my appetite to come back and when it finally did, my daily exercise regime had nearly diminished. My motivation was gone. I just couldn't seem to get my mojo back. It seemed like my life was spiraling out of control. Latoshia's passing was only the beginning of many more tragedies to come and I just couldnt deal with it.
I was plagued with migraines. Several trips to the doctor confirmed my headaches, weight gain and loss of motivation were a result of my grief and stress. My doctor told me that even though I didn't have much of an appetite, stress was part the blame for my weight gain. I was like "Really!?!? I'm not eating and still gaining weight. Where they do that at?"
So here I am, year 2015 and an additional 25lbs in weight gain later. I don't have much of an exercise regime anymore. My joints ache. I battle with bloating. I feel sluggish all of the time and I'm plagued with hot flashes which my doctor says aren't associated with early menopause. As a matter of fact, other than my need to lose weight, I've been given a clean bill of health. I have very fickle eating habits. Some days I'm ravished with hunger and other days I could care less if I eat.
So now I know what I have to do. I must reclaim me! Its time for the old Bridgett to come back. While I love my body, I don't like the way its making me feel right now and I know that it's all my fault. Its up to me to give it the much needed tune up it deserves.
The start of my Reclamation Journey begins.... Will you join me?
I was so proud of myself by the end of year 2007. I had finally met my weight loss goal of 30lbs and I felt great!!! I loved the way my clothes fit me. My self esteem was at an all time high and my energy level was through the roof. I made up in my mind I would never be heavy again. But here I am, eight years and nearly forty pounds in weight gain later. "So what happened?" You asked.
Honey, life happened...
In 2008, I started having trouble with fibroids and had no choice but to subdue to a partial hysterectomy. Not only was I nervous about the changes this surgery could cause to my body but I was worried about the possible weight gain as well. Nonetheless, the surgery was inevitable so I made up in my mind that I would keep eating right and exercising. No way was I going to allow all of my hard work go down the toilet!
By year 2010, I was doing pretty good with fighting the battle of the bulge. While I had suffered 15lbs of weight gain, my energy was still on high and I continued a healthy diet and exercise plan. Still I was determined to lose those pesky pounds. I would not be defeated!!!
And then February 2011 came and my world crashed when my youngest sister died suddenly. I don't think I ate one solid meal that first week after she passed. I lost five pounds in just four days...It took weeks for my appetite to come back and when it finally did, my daily exercise regime had nearly diminished. My motivation was gone. I just couldn't seem to get my mojo back. It seemed like my life was spiraling out of control. Latoshia's passing was only the beginning of many more tragedies to come and I just couldnt deal with it.
I was plagued with migraines. Several trips to the doctor confirmed my headaches, weight gain and loss of motivation were a result of my grief and stress. My doctor told me that even though I didn't have much of an appetite, stress was part the blame for my weight gain. I was like "Really!?!? I'm not eating and still gaining weight. Where they do that at?"
So here I am, year 2015 and an additional 25lbs in weight gain later. I don't have much of an exercise regime anymore. My joints ache. I battle with bloating. I feel sluggish all of the time and I'm plagued with hot flashes which my doctor says aren't associated with early menopause. As a matter of fact, other than my need to lose weight, I've been given a clean bill of health. I have very fickle eating habits. Some days I'm ravished with hunger and other days I could care less if I eat.
So now I know what I have to do. I must reclaim me! Its time for the old Bridgett to come back. While I love my body, I don't like the way its making me feel right now and I know that it's all my fault. Its up to me to give it the much needed tune up it deserves.
The start of my Reclamation Journey begins.... Will you join me?
What Every Woman Wishes Her Man Would Remember
Last week, I posted a blog for women entitled "Ten Things Your Man Wishes You Would Stop Doing". Men, now it's your turn. I could blog all day long about the many things women say they wish their man would stop doing. Instead, I decided to blog on the one "relationship sore" many couples face....A Woman's Emotions.

Women are emotional beings by nature. I believe God made us this way for two reasons: First, because our sensitivity is key to our ability to nurture. Two, because he needed a source that would eventually bring difference between man and woman. I believe our emotions are what God was talking about when he said in Genesis 3:15,"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Men, it's never a good idea to say to your woman"
Now, while I understand that we women can get OVERLY emotional at times and need to learn balance; downplaying your lady's feelings is NOT going to make the situation better. Remember back in the day, when you were all suave with your words; even when you really didn't understand where in the heck she was coming from? Remember when you truly wanted to understand? Remember when you would do something fun or silly just to take her mind off of things? Remember when you would just listen until she got it all out? Or better yet, remember when she would say "Babe, it doesn't make me feel good when you say or do "such and such" to me and you actually stopped?" That is what initially attracted her to you. That is part of what helped her to decide that she wanted to pursue a relationship with you. Changing up the game now that you have said I do is not fair and a total breach of contract.

Women are emotional beings by nature. I believe God made us this way for two reasons: First, because our sensitivity is key to our ability to nurture. Two, because he needed a source that would eventually bring difference between man and woman. I believe our emotions are what God was talking about when he said in Genesis 3:15,"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
One of the most attractive things about a man is his ability to attentively listen to and understand a woman's feelings. Most women are expressive. We love to voice our thoughts, feelings and emotions. When something is bothering us, it's difficult for us to hold it in. Even when we say nothing is wrong you'd best believe our eyes, tone of voice and body language will let you know otherwise.
I get tired of hearing about your feelings.
You are letting that lil thing get to you?
Why are you always so emotional?
It ain't that bad.
I'm tired of talking.

I understand. Times change. People change. And yes, there should be some compromise on BOTH ends but for the most part, going from tenderly listening to her to constantly belittling how she feels isn't fair either. The only thing it does is pushes her farther away from you. It's hard for women to feel close to our men when we are forced to bottle us our emotions. How can we let you in when we are carrying so much inside? We simply are not built that way. If you have noticed a difference in your woman...if she has all of a sudden went silent..back track to when her change first started. I can almost guarantee you it started when you first began fanning away at her feelings.
It's a good thing when we are talking, it's when we stop talking that you should worry. Our silence says the process of an emotional detachment has begun...soon everything else will follow. We are not asking for a million dollars. We are not asking for a vacation to Hawaii every other week. We are simply asking that you listen and at least attempt to understand. We are asking that you respect who we are as individuals. We ask that you remember, we are ladies. We are soft. We are delicate. When our words turn hard, most of time it's because we are responding to way we are being treated. If you want her to be a rose..then treat her like one. Give her special delicate care and then be patient with her. If this battlefield of emotions has been going on for quite some time, it might take a moment to weed out all of the thorns...but that was a seed that YOU planted. It's up to YOU to remove them. Show her the same strength in emotions you've been preaching to her about by being patience and a little lot more understanding. You can do and she'll love you all the more for it.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Ten Things Your Man Wishes You Would STOP DOING!
First, I
would like to start this blog off with a disclaimer:
By, no means am I trying to imply that I have "arrived". To be honest, I am still
struggling with a couple of items on this list. But as I aim to do better, prayerfully I will also encourage my fellow sisters to do better.
My wonderful hubby and I have been married for over 19 years. We've seen our shares of ups and our shares of downs. We were both very young when we first married. There was so many things I didn't know as a young wife...small things that would eventually become annoying habits to my husband. If I would have known then what I know now.... I wouldn't change a thing...Why? You ask? Well because, God knew that I would eventually blog about my mistakes one day in efforts to help someone else...
So here is my list. Some of these things may seems mi'nute but sometimes it's the small things that make the biggest of difference. So here goes....
your head wrap 24/7...
Ladies, if this is what your husband sees first thing in the morning and right before he goes to sleep at night...there's a problem. Remember when you used to keep yourself all "fixed up and purty" for him? We can be so hypocritical sometimes. We complain and say to our hubbies "You never take me out anymore. You don't romance me anymore" Well, can you see why? I'm not saying that we should be dressed up like a supermodel every time he comes home. After all, once the kids come, finding time to brush your teeth can become a
challenge. Give yourself at least thirty minutes to freshen up before he comes home. It doesn't take much. You'd be amazed at what a little lip gloss, brush of the hair and a welcome home smile can do.
2. Calling
yourself fat.
that one imperfection to obsess over. I have been guilty of dampening the mood at times by calling myself fat whenever my hubby complimented me. While I can't speak for every man, I feel confident in saying MOST men love a confident woman. According to my husband, men love the way we ladies strut into the room all "purtied" up for date nite. The quickest way to dim your man's shining glance is by poo pooing on the moment with an "I look fat in this dress" comment. So what if you've put on a few extra pounds. Enjoy the fact that there is a little more of you to love until you lose the weight. He doesn't mind. His love for you is through the thick and thin. So go on girl...Strut your stuff!
3. Looking
at your cell phone while he's talking.

When he comes home..give him your undivided attention. He needs the same listening ear you had all those years ago when you first started dating. He needs to know you still care. He needs to see your eyes and know that you are listening.
4. Worrying
about other women.
There is nothing more irritating to a man than an insecure sister who thinks her husband is looking at every woman who walks by. I understand there are some women who have every reason to worry and in that case, you have some decisions to make. But for those of us who are blessed with faithful husbands. STOP IT!
Thank God for blessing you with a faithful husband and stop being so easily intimidated. There will always be other women who are prettier than you, skinnier than you and smarter than you but there will never be another you. You are the woman he loves. Don't you think it's time for you to start loving you? Maybe then you won't worry as much.
his strength for granted. Forgetting that he hurts too.
Men aren't as emotional as women. Most of them are conditioned to hold in their feelings and sometimes that results in them acted out in other ways. Just because he didn't say it hurt him doesn't mean it didn't. Pay attention to him. If he's not one to come right out and say it, his body language will. Sometimes we ladies think we can just say anything to our husbands and it won't phase them (especially in the heat of the moment). Male or female, words hurt. In this case I'll take it to the word, do unto others as you would have
them do unto you. Sometimes he needs a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes he gets discouraged. Sometimes he gets scared and sometimes he feels insufficient. Always remember to speak life into your husband. A wise woman will build UP her home. God made women givers of life so we must always remember to speak life into our families.
him to other men, former boyfriends or your father.

8. Treating him like he's your child.
I know it's hard to come out of mommy mode when the hubby's home but do it anyway. My husband can be the biggest kid when he's with our children. I get so irritated when he and the kids decide to pillow fight with the same sofa cushions I just spent the last ten minutes fluffing. I am a strong willed person by nature so it's a struggle for me. Sometimes I sound like commando even when I don't mean to. It helps to be mindful of your tone and approach when addressing your husband. Talk to him in same manner you would like for him to talk to you.
I know it's hard to come out of mommy mode when the hubby's home but do it anyway. My husband can be the biggest kid when he's with our children. I get so irritated when he and the kids decide to pillow fight with the same sofa cushions I just spent the last ten minutes fluffing. I am a strong willed person by nature so it's a struggle for me. Sometimes I sound like commando even when I don't mean to. It helps to be mindful of your tone and approach when addressing your husband. Talk to him in same manner you would like for him to talk to you.
9. Telling
everybody your business.
It's all about knowing your boundaries. There are some things that should remain private between a husband and his wife. I can't tell you how many couples we have counseled; each complaining of the other party constantly running to "momma nem", friends...
eh hem...the opposite sex to discuss issues in the home.
Everyone needs a confidante they can trust but not an entire community. I've come to learn that people who constantly tell other people their business is doing so because they are looking for someone to side with them or pity them. My question to them is always "So whatchamecallic said you were right. Now what?" The only way to resolve an issue is to work TOGETHER as a couple. Seek counsel if need be, but keep the majority out of your
10. Telling him
What is it about sex after marriage? You couldn't stop giving it up before you got married
but the moment sex became legal in the eyes of God, it loses it's savor. Yes, you've been with the kids all day. Yes, you've been at work all day. Yes, you've been cleaning all day and slaving over a hot stove. Yes, you are tired...but you know what...that's life. It comes with the territory. Been there done that. Unless you plan on waiting until your children are grown, you've retired and hired both a chef and a maid to resume a romantic relationship with your husband, something has got to give. Just like you find time to watch hours and hours of reality TV, trend on Facebook and talk on the phone, find time for your man...and then enjoy it. :)There is no such thing as the perfect husband or wife but our love for each other should be perfect. If you want change in your marriage then be the change you would like to see. It starts with you....
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Straight Outta Compton: What Every Christian Should Remember

(Sarcastically speaking)You have to appreciate the enemy's boldness nowadays...He doesn't mind you knowing his work is full of filth...but that's probably because he knows you will watch it anyway....

Thursday, July 30, 2015
Sex: God's Beautiful Gift to Marriage
One of the most beautiful experiences in this world is the sweet moment when a person falls in love. Everything in your world changes when you finally meet the person you know you are going to be with for the rest of your life. We've all prayed to God to send us that special someone who will love us unconditionally and support us through the good times and the bad.We give God a list of everything we would like to have in a spouse. We even remind God of his word in our prayers saying "Lord, you said ask and we shall receive so please do this for me." But why do we find it difficult to maintain God's Holy Standard once we meet the love of our life? Why do we contaminate our relationship with God and our mate by blatantly disobeying the word of God whenever we give into our fleshly lusts. We kiss. We touch. We fondle. Curiosity gets the best of us and we begin to wonder "What does he look like? What does she look like?" and eventually....we fornicate.

God created the heavens and the earth thousands of years ago and established rules for us to follow. As time progressed, man decided he knew better and proceeded to disregard those rules calling them old fashioned and traditional.
Now, here we are, a whole new world suffering from high divorce rates, broken homes, sexual perversion, teen pregnancies, STDs, murder/suicides and increased atheism. The family unit is broken all because man decided he knew better than God.
People forget, sex was never meant for courtship. Sex was God's gift to marriage. It is the consummation of a union welded together forever. It is God's gift to you and your spouse but it is to only be opened AFTER you are married. People who have sex before marriage fail to realize they are actually stealing from God. You can't receive a gift until it has been presented and God is saying "Nope, not until after the wedding."
While we have all made our share of mistakes, it 's never too late to repent and start fresh (even if you have made some not so good choices in your current relationship). Talk with your significant other and make the choice to honor God's word. If he or she is not willing to wait, then they aren't the person for you. I'll be the first to admit, keeping your flesh under subjection is a serious challenge when you are dating the person you love. Especially when you've reached the point of love. You love the God in them. You love them for loving you unconditionally. You love them for their determination and drive. You feel complete when you are with them and you literally ache when you are apart from them. A million beautiful sisters or fine brothers could stand right in front of you but all you see is your love. You are ready to spend the rest of your life with this person.
When it comes to dating someone you love I encourage you to keep it Holy. No pun intended when I say this but it's important to remember the best kiss is God's KISS.
Keep God at the forefront of your relationship and your virtue will remain in tact. Mark 10:9
Involve yourself with a man or woman who is completely sold out to Christ & dedicated to obeying his word. II Corinthians 6:14
Study the word of God together as a couple. Hold each other accountable. Remain obedient to God's word & his instructions on dating. I Corinthians 7: 1-9
Sex..wellll...."You can't have sex if you ain't married yet!" I Corinthians 7:9
The blessings of God are poured upon those who obey him. Start your marriage off right and enjoy the never ending benefits of God's unmerited favor and blessings!

I know we are living in this new age society where today's generation feel we should change with the times but the soul saving truth is while the times have changed, but God hasn't.Today's mindset condones fornication by saying "How do you know if you'll like it if you don't try it first? or "We already know we are going to be together so we might as well"... God blessed us with his perfect love and then we contaminated it with sin.

Now, here we are, a whole new world suffering from high divorce rates, broken homes, sexual perversion, teen pregnancies, STDs, murder/suicides and increased atheism. The family unit is broken all because man decided he knew better than God.
People forget, sex was never meant for courtship. Sex was God's gift to marriage. It is the consummation of a union welded together forever. It is God's gift to you and your spouse but it is to only be opened AFTER you are married. People who have sex before marriage fail to realize they are actually stealing from God. You can't receive a gift until it has been presented and God is saying "Nope, not until after the wedding."
While we have all made our share of mistakes, it 's never too late to repent and start fresh (even if you have made some not so good choices in your current relationship). Talk with your significant other and make the choice to honor God's word. If he or she is not willing to wait, then they aren't the person for you. I'll be the first to admit, keeping your flesh under subjection is a serious challenge when you are dating the person you love. Especially when you've reached the point of love. You love the God in them. You love them for loving you unconditionally. You love them for their determination and drive. You feel complete when you are with them and you literally ache when you are apart from them. A million beautiful sisters or fine brothers could stand right in front of you but all you see is your love. You are ready to spend the rest of your life with this person.
When it comes to dating someone you love I encourage you to keep it Holy. No pun intended when I say this but it's important to remember the best kiss is God's KISS.
Keep God at the forefront of your relationship and your virtue will remain in tact. Mark 10:9
Involve yourself with a man or woman who is completely sold out to Christ & dedicated to obeying his word. II Corinthians 6:14
Study the word of God together as a couple. Hold each other accountable. Remain obedient to God's word & his instructions on dating. I Corinthians 7: 1-9
Sex..wellll...."You can't have sex if you ain't married yet!" I Corinthians 7:9
The blessings of God are poured upon those who obey him. Start your marriage off right and enjoy the never ending benefits of God's unmerited favor and blessings!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
What Does Watching Reality TV Say About You?
Okay! Okay! I will be the first to admit, there USED TO BE a time when I was completely hooked on reality TV. I didn't agree with any of what I was watching but I was fascinated by the inexcusable and inane behavior you wouldn't normally see in the picture perfect lives of celebrities. I got caught up in the week to week shade, girl fights and never ending drama of who said what about whom. Whenever my husband would confront me, I tried to justify my watching those shows by saying that it was a learning tool because in all honesty, I thought such foolishness only existed in the movies. My logic was "If I'm going to teach against it, I need to know something about it." I ignored my husband's advice to "turn that mess off". I ignored the constant bleeps that rang throughout each episode. As a matter of fact, after a while I didn't hear the bleeps. I heard the profanity because I knew in my head what they were actually saying.
My own children quit watching TV with me because they didn't feel comfortable with the curse words and constant fighting. It wasn't until after I had watched a full season of week to week drama when I had a light bulb moment. One of my daughters walked into my room one night and said 'Momma, why are watching this? All they do is fight and cuss." and then she left the room. I immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed. She was right just as my husband had been all along.
The truth is, there is nothing positive, uplifting or edifying about 99% of the reality TV shows many of us watch. Reality TV is centered around sexual perversion, promiscuity, broken friendships, betrayal and other words..SIN. A few weeks ago, I posted a question on Facebook asking my friends to name a TV show they wouldn't mind watching in the physical presence of Jesus. Out of 23 comments only two named reality TV shows and those two shows were Shark Tank and House Hunters. The rest named shows from the 80s and 90s. So, what does that say about the quality of TV today? What does that say about how God would feel about what we are watching? Why are we supporting and watching the very thing that displeases God?
As children of God, we are commanded to stand firm on God's word and maintain his standard but sometimes we lose focus and fall prey to satan's clever ploy to distract us from his wicked agenda by entertaining us through ungodly means. We foolishly promote his wickedness by increasing the ratings each time we tune in. We help satan gain TV ad sponsors with those same ratings. We make him rich from the acquired TV ads. We encourage Reality TV stars, music artists, actors and actresses to continue in their lifestyle of sin whenever we watch, buy, listen to and/or "Facebook like" their blasphemous and abominable work. We help them sink farther into their lifestyle of sin when we add them to our "christian" albums and movies by using their name and status for our own personal gain. We give satan free advertisement whenever we have online Scandal, Empire, Power and Being Mary Jane parties. We do all of this even though the word of God tells us to Abstain from all appearance of evil. (I Thessalonians 5:22) And then we have the nerve to complain about the world going to hell in a handbasket!!!
Long story short, anytime we support anything that displeases God, we are supporting what he hates...SIN! I know you are probably thinking, "If I quit watching everything that displeases God, I won't be able to watch any TV." And you are right, the vast majority of television shows, movies and music contain a hideous amount of profanity, sex and lured material. And guess what! We are part of the blame. According to, 77% of Americans identify as Christian, still we have the LEAST amount of influence in the world today. Over the years, we have conformed to the ways of the world. We accept whatever they gave to us instead of taking a stand and boycotting anything that we knew would displease God. Imagine how much better this world would be if we would have continued to take a stand without wavering. God knew in the last days men would become lovers of themselves; choosing to satisfy the flesh rather than stand strong in his word so he sent a prophetic warning through his word. I had to repent for my part and I encourage you to do the same.It is vital we do not become complacent in this world. We are to be of this world but not in it. We must pay CLOSE attention to what we are allowing in our homes via the television, music, conversation and even friends.
The next time you are watching reality TV, a movie or even listening to music...ask yourself "What does me watching this say about me or my commitment to God?'
My own children quit watching TV with me because they didn't feel comfortable with the curse words and constant fighting. It wasn't until after I had watched a full season of week to week drama when I had a light bulb moment. One of my daughters walked into my room one night and said 'Momma, why are watching this? All they do is fight and cuss." and then she left the room. I immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed. She was right just as my husband had been all along.
The truth is, there is nothing positive, uplifting or edifying about 99% of the reality TV shows many of us watch. Reality TV is centered around sexual perversion, promiscuity, broken friendships, betrayal and other words..SIN. A few weeks ago, I posted a question on Facebook asking my friends to name a TV show they wouldn't mind watching in the physical presence of Jesus. Out of 23 comments only two named reality TV shows and those two shows were Shark Tank and House Hunters. The rest named shows from the 80s and 90s. So, what does that say about the quality of TV today? What does that say about how God would feel about what we are watching? Why are we supporting and watching the very thing that displeases God?
As children of God, we are commanded to stand firm on God's word and maintain his standard but sometimes we lose focus and fall prey to satan's clever ploy to distract us from his wicked agenda by entertaining us through ungodly means. We foolishly promote his wickedness by increasing the ratings each time we tune in. We help satan gain TV ad sponsors with those same ratings. We make him rich from the acquired TV ads. We encourage Reality TV stars, music artists, actors and actresses to continue in their lifestyle of sin whenever we watch, buy, listen to and/or "Facebook like" their blasphemous and abominable work. We help them sink farther into their lifestyle of sin when we add them to our "christian" albums and movies by using their name and status for our own personal gain. We give satan free advertisement whenever we have online Scandal, Empire, Power and Being Mary Jane parties. We do all of this even though the word of God tells us to Abstain from all appearance of evil. (I Thessalonians 5:22) And then we have the nerve to complain about the world going to hell in a handbasket!!!
Long story short, anytime we support anything that displeases God, we are supporting what he hates...SIN! I know you are probably thinking, "If I quit watching everything that displeases God, I won't be able to watch any TV." And you are right, the vast majority of television shows, movies and music contain a hideous amount of profanity, sex and lured material. And guess what! We are part of the blame. According to, 77% of Americans identify as Christian, still we have the LEAST amount of influence in the world today. Over the years, we have conformed to the ways of the world. We accept whatever they gave to us instead of taking a stand and boycotting anything that we knew would displease God. Imagine how much better this world would be if we would have continued to take a stand without wavering. God knew in the last days men would become lovers of themselves; choosing to satisfy the flesh rather than stand strong in his word so he sent a prophetic warning through his word. I had to repent for my part and I encourage you to do the same.It is vital we do not become complacent in this world. We are to be of this world but not in it. We must pay CLOSE attention to what we are allowing in our homes via the television, music, conversation and even friends.
The next time you are watching reality TV, a movie or even listening to music...ask yourself "What does me watching this say about me or my commitment to God?'
Monday, July 20, 2015
My Very First Herb Garden!
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Friday, July 17, 2015
You Are More Than An Option!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! You don't have to hurt anymore!!! We've all heard the saying "Never make a person a priority in your life when you are only an option to them." Sometimes that can be easier said than done..This is how you do it...
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
My Most Embarrassing Moment and Why I Started Teaching Etiquette Classes...
I just had the honor of teaching my etiquette class to 70 plus amazing young women today at Girl Talk. I had a blast doing what I love....teaching young girls how to become extraordinary women! Check out the clip below of me telling one of my embarrassing moments which inspired me to eventually learn about and start teaching etiquette classes.
Monday, July 6, 2015
19 Years and Counting!
I am so blessed to say today my husband Pastor-Travis Mack and I will celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary! This year I decided to do something a little different. Instead of posting our wedding pictures or any of our cute couple pics, I've decided to post two pictures that display the core of our marriage. This me 18 years ago. I was seven months pregnant and in the hospital with Pre-eclampsia. I was bedridden and my blood pressure was so high I could barely see. The doctors were uncertain about whether or not our daughter would survive because her lungs were underdeveloped and premature labor was imminent. I was scared...But my husband was my strength..I would doze off and wake up to him praying for me and our baby. I had no idea I looked like the Michelin tire man..LOL.. because he kept telling me how beautiful and strong I was. Out of all of our photos, these two are my favorite because they show affirmation of our vows...for better or for sickness and in health.... Travis, I love you with everything in me and I love God even more for giving me you. Happy Anniversary and I look forward with many many many more!
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