One of the most important lessons my father taught me as a kid was to always make eye contact while giving a firm handshake (especially with your enemies). He said that looking away was a sign of weakness and intimidation. He also taught me the valuable lesson of remaining silent when the adversary was on my back. I must admit this is a characteristic that I am still trying to master. Yet and still on the occasions when I was able to maintain the flesh, I found his advice to be quite noteworthy. Some people thrive off of another person's anger. Losing your cool only encourages their antics. When you are silent, it confuses them. They don't know what you are thinking. I am reminded of Jesus and how as they led him up to the cross, he never said a mumbling word. He was bigger than the pain.I want to be bigger than the pain.
The other week, someone disrespected me right in my own yard. My first thought was to snatch them, hem them up against one of my Georgia pines and quickly remind them where they were. (Hey I'm just being honest, the flesh can be a mess). But I didn't, I smiled, made a joke and changed the conversation. I understand how words set the foundation for your actions. This is what my dad was trying to teach me.
Even though I am a writer of words, I not very big on them if a person's actions are different. If I say I love you, then I should show it. If I say that I'm going to be there for you then I should be there. One of my biggest pet peaves are people who profess Christ but don't reflect Christ. I was approached by a person who wanted me to write a play for them. This self proclaimed christian wanted it to be an inspirational play but not with "all the Jesus" . This person didn't realize that they were asking me to breathe but without air.
How can person get away with saying they are a Christian and then act like a crook? Yea, I said it. A crook is a thief. You have a Christian crooks who steal biblical principles because it will benefit their hidden agendas. The bible tells us to be hot or cold or God will spit you out of his mouth. Christian crooks are just that disgusting to him. I don't have to be reminded, I know my God is kind, merciful and just but when your time is's up boo. So go hard or go home.
As for me, I am more than words. I am a reflection of my words. You don't have to trust what I say. Look into my eyes because then you will see my heart. Feel the grip of my handshake and you will understand my passion. You don't have to believe what I say, just watch me. Time will tell.
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