Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Surviving Ministry & Marriage

My husband and I were practically born into the church. Serving God has  been in our blood literally from day one. But still, I don’t think either of us was prepared for the emotional, mental and physical toll ministry can take on a family. When you have the added task of building both a healthy marriage AND ministry, it ain’t always sweet. Unlike many pastors today, my husband and I did not inherit a congregation. Our ministry was started from scratch. 

Travis and I have been blessed with the honor of pastoring an elite group of soldiers for Christ we call REAL Faith Church. While our church family is currently small in number, our members have the hearts of giants when it comes to kingdom business. There are so many things God has in store for our ministry and we are excited about where He is getting ready to take us. But still, there is a responsibility that comes with leadership that can be daunting at times. And that’s the never ending call to serve.

Pastors and pastor wives don’t get to clock out after the benediction. Our call to serve continues and most of the time, it’s unbeknownst to the people around us. They don’t know about spontaneous counseling sessions. They don’t know about the late night calls for prayer or service runs to the hospital. They don’t know about the “ghost members” from other churches who call for help because they are too ashamed to go to their own leaders. On top of that, my husband has a secular job. He works grueling twelve hour shifts. I can’t tell you how many times he has worked 12 hour night shift, came home, showered, went to church, ministered, came back home only to get a few hours of sleep before his next shift. My BMackWrites platform is my job and ministry combined. Recently, we had a someone voice their dissatisfaction with my work, citing that they felt like I cared about it more that I do the members. There are people who forget that not only am I a First Lady, I am also small business owner. I go to work just like they do. Unlike them, I don’t have coworkers. As a small business owner, the bulk of the work falls on me. 

So as you can see, there is a pressure that comes with serving. Most times, that pressures interferes with the quality time needed between a husband and a wife. It interferes with the quality time we spend with our children. God is teaching my husband and I the importance of balance. He’s showing us it’s okay to break away for some quiet time alone. He’s delivering us from the guilt trips selfishly placed on us by others.

This past Sunday after church, Travis and I loved on our members, kissed our children goodbye, packed an overnight bag and hit the road. We didn’t plan anything fancy. Just a quick getaway. God showed us favor and we were blessed with a free upgrade to a suite at the hotel. We ordered room service. I snatched off my lashes, snuggled in my husband's arms and kicked back.

We took off our Pastor, First Lady, mom, dad and BMackWrite hats. For the rest of the day, we were simply Travis and Bridgett. I actually wrote this while at the hotel at 4:00 in the morning while listening to my hubby snore. The next day, we both feel re-energized and ready to take on the world. Travis and I have decided to take mandatory getaways at least every three months. It’s needed! If you are in leadership, ministry or business, I encourage you to do the same. The health of your marriage, family and ministry depends on it.


  1. I love this article and my husband and I in ministry. We also have a 2 and 1 year old. Then I work full time. It's really important to take a break.

    1. It most definitely is especially with young children!

  2. Its been a very busy month! Y'all deserve it! I know I can't wait until we can have our next get away which we plan for next summer. With the children being so young its hard to do it often but we know its needed with children but especially when you are serving a congregation also. God bless you all because we know true pastors and first ladies' lifestyle are not as glamorous as we may see on T.V. Glad you two enjoyed yourselves��

  3. I truly enjoyed this insight into the life of ministry. I believe your family exemplifies and is a pure example of God’s divine will for the church leaders. BIG thanks to Pastor Travis and all the pastors, first ladies, children, families, etc for their relentless scarifies; Those seen and unforeseen. Thanks BMack for giving so freely of yourself and speaking on difficult controversial topics that are questionable whether to give publicized attention. I know that it comes with its own set of challenges but I’m confident you’re the woman for the job. You handle pressured comments with tact, consistency and with a loving heart. May your brand continue to grow and lives are changed for the edification of the Kingdom. I wish I was in a position to be more of a blessing to the ministry but as it may I’m using the very gift God saw fit for me. Be Blessed - InspirationByB

  4. Absolutely and if you need hotel points just let me know! I have some to get rid of. Enjoy each other and take care of Bridget and Travis so that Pastor Travis and BMack will be around for a long time!��

  5. I enjoyed this to the fullest! Thank you for sharing; you've managed to capture the very essence of my life as a first lady. My husband and I planted a church 2 years ago this month and while it is rewarding, exhaustion is really a thing; balance is our struggle too but I can't wait to share this blog entry with him. Praying for you and I ask that you keep me lifted in prayer as well.��

  6. This was great & very true! I too am a First Lady. Never planned on being one or in ministry, so it was a struggle in the beginning. My husband is the Pastor & home improvement business owner & I work at 2 hospitals. Finally getting use to late night phone calls for prayer or consultations. I have 3 children, 2 bonus children, & soon 7 grands! Alone time is a must!

  7. I enjoyed reading this although we aren’t in ministry I so believe that alone time is important as a couple ��


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