GO Ministries Announces
Americus Times Recorder to Print Retraction

First, special thanks to those of you who have emailed and called in with your words of encouragement and donations for the upcoming event in NYC. We wanted to see out an email of clarification regarding a news article written about the trip. Each DID member recieved a pre-approved press release to submit to their local paper. The Amerius Times Recorder originally agreed to publish said press release. Unfortunately, an overlyzealous news reporter decided to embellish the story a bit. While most of the information written in the article was correct, readers were led to believe that I was solely responsible for this event. This is not true. Forty women from various parts of the US came together to plan this momentous occasion. I am blessed to be among the intial group. Nor will I be "cooking with Martha" I will be watching Martha cook from audience. To some degree, I see what the ambitious columnist was trying to do but God is not a man that he should lie and nor I'm I! A retraction will be printed in tomorrow's paper (page 3). Below is the press release that was supposed to be published.
Thanks for all of your love and support. God Bless!
January 3, 2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Bridgett Mack ~229-942-5125~
Local Humanitarian, Bridgett Mack, is part of "The Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers" Shelter Event in NYC!On January 18th, 2010, 40 women from around the U.S. who are part of the "Dreamers Into Doers" group at MarthaStewart.com will make a difference at Safe Horizon, a New York women's shelter for domestic violence. Each "Dreamer" will share her God given talents at this event. One of the Dreamers is our very own, Bridgett Mack. She and husband Travis are the founders of GO Ministries. Bridgett is also the creator of Life Simple Magazine.
For some Dreamers, this will mean cooking or baking delectable treats, handcrafting personal gift and for others this will mean sharing stories, poetry and songs. Bridgett Mack will be one of the speakers at the event where she will share a poem of inspiration with the women and children of the shelter. Bridgett has a true passion for inspiring others through her writings. By taking her life experiences and placing them in poetic, short story and stage play form, Mack hopes to motivate others to never give up on their hopes, goals and dreams. Through the generous donations from GO Ministries, it's supporters and Victory Tabernacle of Albany GA, Bridgett will also present the shelter with kiddie colored pillow cases for the children and writing journals for the women. Bridgett says she chose these items for two reasons: "Children who have been subject to domestic violence deserve the right to sleep peacefully and without fear. I believe these cheerful pillow cases will help give them a warm and peaceful night of sleep. I chose the journals for the ladies because I truly believe that writing is a wonderful form of therapy. It is also a great way to chronicle ones trials and triumphs."
You can become apart of this event by making a donation on the Contact Us Page at www.goproductionministries.org or you can help bring hope to the women and children at the shelter by donating items on their dream list, by visiting them on the web at http://www.terrysenchantedcottage.com/dynamic/?page=87.January 3, 2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Bridgett Mack ~229-942-5125~
Local Humanitarian, Bridgett Mack, is part of "The Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers" Shelter Event in NYC!On January 18th, 2010, 40 women from around the U.S. who are part of the "Dreamers Into Doers" group at MarthaStewart.com will make a difference at Safe Horizon, a New York women's shelter for domestic violence. Each "Dreamer" will share her God given talents at this event. One of the Dreamers is our very own, Bridgett Mack. She and husband Travis are the founders of GO Ministries. Bridgett is also the creator of Life Simple Magazine.
For some Dreamers, this will mean cooking or baking delectable treats, handcrafting personal gift and for others this will mean sharing stories, poetry and songs. Bridgett Mack will be one of the speakers at the event where she will share a poem of inspiration with the women and children of the shelter. Bridgett has a true passion for inspiring others through her writings. By taking her life experiences and placing them in poetic, short story and stage play form, Mack hopes to motivate others to never give up on their hopes, goals and dreams. Through the generous donations from GO Ministries, it's supporters and Victory Tabernacle of Albany GA, Bridgett will also present the shelter with kiddie colored pillow cases for the children and writing journals for the women. Bridgett says she chose these items for two reasons: "Children who have been subject to domestic violence deserve the right to sleep peacefully and without fear. I believe these cheerful pillow cases will help give them a warm and peaceful night of sleep. I chose the journals for the ladies because I truly believe that writing is a wonderful form of therapy. It is also a great way to chronicle ones trials and triumphs."
Bridgett Mack will be doing a feature article about her trip to New York in the February Issue of her newest project "Life Simple Magazine" which debuted January 1st. Life Simple is a free online monthly magazine that. Be sure to stay tuned for more information on this momentus trip to New York by subscribing today. Just send an email to lsmagonline@yahoo.com and type "Add Me" in the Subject Line.
Interview Contact:Bridgett Mack
GO Ministries Co-Founder
Life Simple MagazineTelephone 229-942-5125
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