Monday, March 16, 2020

The Barbarians Are Watching..

Years ago, I applied for the Executive Secretary position with the Department of Family and Children Services. During the interview, the County Director said “Come here, I’d like to show you something.” She took me to the office of the former secretary and opened the door. It was filled wall to wall with boxes of files. She said, “The person who’s hired is going to be responsible for organizing and purging these files.” Looking at the mountain of boxes I replied, “It’s going to take a lot of work, but it can be done.” I was hired a short time after the interview. 

When I started my new job, the County Director asked, “Do you want to know what made me decide to hire you? Of course I said yes. She said, “I hired you because of your response when I showed you the office. The other people I interviewed acted like it would be too much work, but you didn’t. I like the way you responded and so I hired you.”
Children of God, people are watching us. They are watching our response, especially to this whole coronavirus pandemic. It will be our response that will either draw them to Christ or push them farther away. Remember Paul and how the barbarians watched him when the snake bit him on the hand? The barbarians waited in anticipation of his death. Instead, Paul shook the snake off into the fire and “kept on trucking”. The barbarians knew then he was truly a child of God.

While everyone else reacts in panic, God expects us to walk in faith. Taking care of your families is a given but there is a difference between taking the necessary precautions and living in fear. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. If you trust God, PROVE IT. After all, the barbarians are watching. 


  1. My sentiments exactly! That was also our pastor's sermon Sunday morning, as we had a great morning service, with visitors. Service wasn't cancelled and I'm truly grateful to God for His covering and His visitation all day on Sunday.And yes, we're had afternoon service at our sister church.

  2. Thank you for reminding us that the barbarians are watching! It's how we walk more so than talk that will either draw or scatter. Your blog was shared with me by my sister. Keep writing and encouraging the saints, Sis!

  3. Amen to this. This is so right on time BMACK! We as the body of Christ have to set the example and lead by it. We have a spirit of power, love and a sound mind not a spirit of fear! Thank God!

  4. Amen faith not fear๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ❤๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


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