It was 3AM and my sleep was interrupted by my heavy heart and nonstop mind racing. I have so much to do, not enough help/time to do it and challenges to overcome EVERY DAY. PLUS, the holiday season is always the hardest for me. I really REALLY miss my sister. I tried to be a big girl by staying busy but I guess there comes a time when even the strongest woman has her breaking point.
I could feel when he sat up in bed. I tried to pretend like I was sleep but he called my bluff. He asked me what was wrong and I replied "Nothing." I didn't want to talk but he was persistent. He took me into his arms and said "Let me hold you and listen to YOU this time." I laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat sounded like sweet music and the warmth of his arms immediately began to sooth me. I didn't know how to say what I was feeling. I'm sure my initial words seemed more like rambling but he was patient. He listened quietly as I talked. My tears melted away into his t-shirt. After I was done talking, he spoke words of encouragement into me and reminded me of my purpose. He gave me tough love about remaining strong and challenged me to remain grateful for all God has done for me. Then he sealed his words with a kiss and in that moment, I was reminded that everything is going to be okay......
I thank God for my sweet Travis....
Praise God, B-Mack, for your husband having the heart of God, and the discernment to know when he wife needs a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen, and a mouth to speak an encouraging word in due season! That is a true man of God, and you two, are a beautiful power couple! Praying for your strength in the Lord!
ReplyDeleteHow beautiful! Hold on to each other forever!
ReplyDeleteMy Lord. Praise God for your husband. There are a many women I know have been crying for years and their husbands never take the time to notice. It shows that you all are in sync with each other. He feels what you feel. And that's a great thing. Thank God for discernment. Not all have it. Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of love I long for......
ReplyDeleteTwo failed marriages later and neither one loved me like this....
You are blessed to have someone and a personal purpose. I do not and that's sad and very lonely. This time of year is hard for me too, hard to keep moving forward each year.
ReplyDeleteStay blessed
Thank you for sharing your vulnerability. For not be afraid to be transparent. I am encouraged.
ReplyDeleteI too understand what your are talking about. my up bringing in church where my beautiful spirit filled mother was the pastor. We had a small church which I know size doesn't matter but the spirit of the Lord was always there along with the gifts. My mother was a woman of grace, faith and truly loved the Lord. She passed always October 17,2017. I feel as if the umbrella of the covering of her leadership have been taken away. But I too have a husband sent from God along with children who loved God to encourage me. So thank you for your story and will continue to keep you and your ministry in prayer. Patricia Taylor/ Plainfield Illinois
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful...thank you for sharing. What a blessing you have in your husband. I've found this past year that trying to be strong, hold on, have control over everything... I can't do it... It's too much. But when I surrender ALL to The Lord and say "I can't do it Lord, but You CAN!" Then the pressure, worry, fear all turn to PEACE. God bless you and I'm praying now for Peace so that you will be able to enjoy this beautiful season as we celebrate our Saviour's birth. ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThat was beautiful. Thank God your husband was there to comfort you. When you were live you said you thought you may know me. I'm just one of your long term followers that really enjoy your ministry!! I thank God for you and your husband Pastor Mack. You're what's needed for the time we live in today!!! You all are a blessing, If I lived in Alabama I would join your church!! God bless you!!
ReplyDeleteWe all need a shoulder to cry on at times thank God for your companion your husband your friend who is always there for you this is beautiful
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your honesty. Sometimes when I am overwhelmed I don't accept the strength and support of those around me because I feel that it's my burden alone to bear. We get so carried away as women trying to be everything for everyone (a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, basically Wonder Woman for our family and friends, etc.), we forget that we need those same listening ears. We forget that we need a shoulder to cry on. As a 20 year old unmarried woman with no children, I can't imagine the stress you are under, but when I see the pain my mother goes through as a single mother, I get a glimpse. I am happy you shared this with us. Letting us know that we all need someone to lean on.