Disclaimer: As I Christian, I have to start off by saying I normally try to avoid using secular artists as examples to this degree in my blog posts. I am not a follower of Jennifer Hudson. And while I would prefer she use her gifts and talents for the building of God's Kingdom, Jennifer's extraordinary talents simply cannot be denied...

In everything you do, give it your all! If one door closes, be on the look out for that window of opportunity. Continue to work at perfecting your craft and becoming the million dollar market you were destined to be.
Jesus Time:
Imagine what you can do by adding God to mix. We are all given gifts and talents without repentance. What we choose to with them is up to us. Whether it's pleasing in the eyes of God is up to him. I've learned TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK! Either way, I choose to make my MARK with God by my side. Mark 8:36 says For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Do not become distracted at what's to the left or the right of you. God has your back and sides as well. A true runner stays focused on what's ahead and that's making his/her MARK!
Inspirational Quote:
Their No is God's Not Yet!
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