But God.
God is notorious for always having a "ram in the bush" and for us, he had several. In the recent weeks, God reunited us with spiritual mentors from our past and introduced us to new ones for present day. Their words of wisdom, love, prayers, support has helped us to generate ten rules to live by. And here they are:
- When you don't know what to do, seek God. When you are in need, ask God. When you don't know what to say, be quiet and listen to God.
- Christians don't keep their friends close and their enemies closer. They keep their friends close and their enemies confused. Why? Because the enemy will never understand love.
- If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, be careful, it might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
- Their "no" is God's not yet. Never lose heart.
- Remember Jesus didn't say a mumbling word while being persecuted. You'd better not either.
- Vengeance belongs to God and if you take action, he won't spare the rod....(against you that is).
- The battle is not yours but the spoils of war is if you let God fight it for you.
- Never cry over spilled milk or the "friends" that stole your cookie. Let them have it. God has better in store for you.
- You can't be a child of God and a punk too. Stand firm on his word no matter what.
- When the day comes to forgive those who have lied, betrayed, back stabbed, rejected, neglected and spat on you..do it quickly and with much sincerity of heart.
My life is not picture perfect but most of the time, it feels that way. If it had not been for the testimony of others who had gone through and overcame, we probably would have given up. I know that if God can do for them, he can do it for me too. I hope our testimony encourages those of you who reads this. Always remember, just because life may not always give you the roses you asked for, doesn't mean your blessings can't be found in the beauty of daisies.
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