Unfortunately, just like most comedians, music artists, screenwriters and everyone else in the industry, there are journalists who think they live by the “no holds bars” rule when it comes to freedom of speech. We live in a time where people feel like they can say anything they want without regard to the people who might be affected by it.
HOWEVER, when you respond to a person who offended you by doing the exact same thing to them, you have just become NO BETTER than that person. Calling Gayle King out of her name and sending death threats does nothing to help the situation. The only thing it does is give YOU a few moments of gratification while others “addaboy” pat you on the back. Profanity and threats won’t ease the pain of the families, nor will it remedy the situation. It does, however, makes you look hypocritical. You can’t spend spend years calling women the b-word, using God’s name in vain and calling our people the n-word and then feel some kind of way when someone from your camp is disrespected. Wrong is wrong!

Instead, how about we start setting the standard on how to treat people by BEING the standard. Folks are real quick to say we are our own worse enemy but show no example of how to bring God’s peace and solution.We’ve got to do better. Our children are watching. We are teaching them how to respond to tribulation through our own actions. If you can’t be that light or voice of reason, then hash out your feelings privately until you can. Don’t go on social media adding wood to the fire. Enough of our people have already been burned at the stake by our oppressors. It's okay to be mad. The bible says to be angry but it follows up with a BUT SIN NOT. We need to start teaching our children how to use their anger to bring about positive change.
Besides, it’s easy to become what you hate when you when repeat the cycle of hate. You want to see change? Be the change! Ecclesiastes 3:1, teaches us there is a time for everything. Unfortunately, a lot of us are still living in the days where Massa took delight in watching his “nakers” turn on each other to save face. It’s February 2K20. Let’s continue to make black history and get it together.
Isaiah 1:18